Thursday, March 11, 2010

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

The idea to quit smoking might seem really great, but what are you actually going to get out of the process?

Some benefits are very obvious. The clothes and the house will smell better, and if you normally smoke in the car, it will also be nicer to drive without the smell of the cigarettes. But there better reasons to quit the cigarettes. Better health and more money is probably more important than the smell.

You can save a lot of money if you quit smoking. One pack a day can easily save you $35 a week, $150 a month and $1,825 a year. So if you really want to save money, be honest and calculate how much it costs you to smoke.

More importantly than saving money, the health benefits are huge. For example, research tells us that as little as 20 minutes after you stop smoking you will be able to see a difference in your health. If you consider that quitting smoking can help you reduce your risk of heart problems, stroke, high blood pressure, lung cancer, and even breathing complications, you have just uncovered a plethora of reasons why it pays to quit smoking. The research shows that quitting is able to reverse many of the harmful effects that cigarettes have caused, no matter how long you have been a smoker.

And the improvements continue. 15 years after the last cigarette the risk of coronary heart disease is not higher than for non-smokers. It might seem a long time to wait for those small steps; but you can be sure that it gives you a significant improvement in your life.

So, no matter what reason you choose, there are many reasons to stop quitting.

Enjoy the Benefits! Restore Your Health & Wealth! Click Here For More Info!

Quit Smoking Today

For those who find it really difficult to give up the habit of smoking, it would be better if you all give it up as soon as possible to prevent any further harm health-wise. The Quit Smoking Today Program has been an effective guide that had led many ex smokers to the zone where they have lost interest for smoking! You may not use any gum to chew any pill to swallow or any med to consume so as to decrease the urge and distract your mind! The program founded by Rob Mellor works wonders as it helps you to quit smoking naturally!

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the area of expertise of Rob Mellor, the founder of this program! The psychotherapy is the main ingredient of this program that drives you to give up this hazardous habit!

You may run a risk of developing cancer in you when you smoke continuously for years. When you attempt to adopt a smoke free life it means that you want to change! Obviously nobody would prefer death to life and if you don't change you are no longer nobody! 38 minutes and 13 seconds is the dream count for you and be ready to count these minutes down in order to make some meaningful attempt to stop dying and start living! Several people who have got benefited from this program have given testimony that it really works! So don't bother if you find it difficult to give up in the beginning since this program would effectively guide you through the dark stages of rehab!

Consuming pills and meds prescribed by doctor without knowing whether you body suits these kinds of medications should be scrapped! With the Quit Smoking Today program you need not have to take in any sort of meds and prescriptions! You might not even engage your mind by chewing the gum so as to distract your mind from smoking when you feel that urge. Rob Mellor the founder of this program has facilitated the smokers with a program that at any cost makes you a smoke free individual!


* Get beneficial by using the Quit Smoking Today program since normally when you discontinue smoking you are entitled to get a whole lot of benefits! You will have to spend around 38 minutes and 13 seconds so as to get an idea of what it takes to quit smoking and how, you are going to work towards that!
* Quit Smoking Today Program is meant to assist you in keeping yourselves away from the bad habit of smoking! Many have actually got impressed with this program since they have seen the effects in reality! Their dream of stopping smoking has become an eventuality thanks to the Quit Smoking today program!
* Both your heart beat rate and your blood pressure will be within the necessary limit since you no longer smoke! Previously the smoking habits had a detrimental impact on these two above mentioned aspects!


* Your body functions might be restored successfully! You may not run the risk of developing cancer and other ailments, which in turn means that you can create a setting for yourselves so as to live for more number of years.


* If you want to do it really you have to be disciplined and wholehearted!

Stop Suffering! Restore Your Health. Click Here For More Info!

Cigarettes Are Addictive

Have you been a smoker for years but now you want to stop? But the trouble with quitting is that it s SO HARD to do. Are cigarettes really addictive or is there another reason why you can t stop smoking? Most smokers (and non smokers) wrongly believe that cigarettes are addictive because they contain nicotine.

This belief is further re-enforced by the manufacturers who have jumped straight onto this misconception and produced countless quit smoking products that contain nicotine (patches, gum, etc). But these manufacturers aren't unscrupulous. They truly believe that their products can help you to stop smoking by giving you the nicotine fix you crave whenever you try and quit smoking.

Sadly, what they (and you) don't understand is that it's not the nicotine that you re craving. It's the cigarette. Let s face it; if nicotine was reclassed as an illegal substance and all cigarettes became nicotine free, would you still smoke them? Darn right you would. You might not enjoy them as much as the old nicotine stuffed cigarettes but you wouldn't give them up. Why is that?

When you want to smoke a cigarette and you light one up, are you thinking mmm....nicotine? Of course not. What you are thinking, is how much you're going to enjoy smoking the cigarette.

Every time you light up you're looking forward to inhaling the smoke and feeling it pass through your mouth and down your throat. Then
you get the double enjoyment of feeling the smoke come back up your throat so that you can have the pleasure of blowing it out of your mouth. And that is what you really enjoy about smoking. It snot the nicotine. It s the physical pleasure of actually smoking the

So you can see that smoking is more like a habit than an addiction. The real problem though is that it s a habit that you enjoy and so you don't really want to give it up, even though you know you should.

But what if you want to quit smoking for good? Is there an easy way to stop smoking? 

There is only one true way to give up smoking and that is to quit smoking naturally. Giving up this way requires only two steps. The first step is understanding your reasons for wanting to stop smoking. And the only reason that you need is that you simply and truly have to want to stop smoking.

Don t give yourself false reasons like I m doing it for my health or I want to save money . The only reason you need is that you're just plain sick and tired of smoking and you want to stop. In other words, your motivation to stop smoking has to be that you want to be a non smoker. And the thought of becoming a non smoker must make you feel happy and excited.

Once you're sure you want to stop smoking for good, the next step is to begin the process of cutting cigarettes out of your life.

Smoking is a habit that you ve built up over many years. You didn t become a smoker by suddenly smoking a pack a day and likewise, you can t become a non smoker by suddenly not smoking. You will need a proven program to help you quit smoking naturally.

Stop Suffering! Restore Your Health. Click Here For More Info!

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Tobacco use, namely cigarette smoking, is the chief cause of preventable death in the United States. Left unbridled, smoking could kill more than a billion people this century, according to the World Health Organization. That equals the number who would die if a Titanic sank every 24 minutes for the next 100 years. This is why you have to quit smoking naturally.

Still, it may be harder than ever to quit: Three quarters of today's smokers trying to shed the habit are heavily hooked on nicotine, up 32 percent from almost two decades ago, according to research presented at the American College of Chest Physicians' annual meeting last October. So quitting, for most, is not merely a matter of willpower. Nonetheless, the reasons to do so keep amassing-and they're not all about heart disease, lung cancer or respiratory problems. Here's a few downsides you might not have considered:

1. It fogs the mind.
2. It may bring on diabetes.
3. It invites infections.
4. It may stultify a sex life.
5. It may lead to wrinkles ... everywhere.
6. It may hasten menopause.
7. It may dull vision.
8. It hurts bones.
9. It may injure the insides.
10. It may stifle sleep.
11. It shaves years-and quality-off life.
12. It's tied to lots of cancers.

To protect your health, do everything you can to quit.

If You Want To Quit Smoking Without Using "Will Power" Or Experiencing Any Cravings What-So-Ever, The Quit Smoking Today Program Is The Answer You're Looking For. Click Here For More Info!

Smokers Still Ignoring the Dangers

Take their chances: Why do people continue to smoke when the serious consequences of the habit are so well-known? Although it is true that not all smokers develop lung cancer, emphysema, or heart disease, the use of cigarettes increases the risk. Apparently, many smokers are willing to take their chances. Unfortunately, nicotine has intense habit-forming qualities.

Those who inhale are in greater danger. And, the hazards increase with the number of years the person has smoked and the number of cigarettes used daily. Teenagers who take up the habit should keep this in mind. Filters and low tar cigarettes help a little, but the latter constitute a small percentage of the market. However, even these types of cigarettes aggravate the heart. This is due to the carbon monoxide that is inhaled and not the tars. Filter cigarettes are of limited value because the best filter is one through which the smoker gets nothing but clean, fresh air.

Smokers who kick the habit lessen the risk of getting lung cancer. Furthermore, every month of abstinence lowers the risk. According to the American Cancer Society, the risk falls to the same level as nonsmokers within five years for one pack a day users. Giving up cigarettes is not easy. For many people, smoking has become a way of life. They use cigarettes to combat anxiety, depression, and emotional insecurities. Some believe that the desire to smoke is greater than the threat of a dreadful disease.

Smoking Can Ruin Your Smile

Periodontal Disease: Frequently called pyorrhea, periodontal disease is the gradual destruction of the tissues and bone that support the teeth. Smokers of both sexes have significantly more of the severe, advanced form of the disease than people who do not smoke. In relation to this particular dental problem, one study indicated that even relatively young smokers have oral health as poor as that of nonsmokers who are 15 years older.

Early Loss of Teeth: Other research suggests that smoking, in combination with poor oral hygiene, hastens the destruction of the alveolar bone in which teeth are anchored, thus leading to eventual tooth loss. A study of nearly 10,000 people in Michigan found significantly more loss of teeth among men and women who smoked than among nonsmokers of the same ages. Women between the ages of 20 and 39 and men between 30 and 59 were twice as likely to have lost their teeth if they were smokers.

Gingivitis: This inflammation of the gums is an early stage of periodontal disease. One of the severe forms of this disease is ulceromembranous gingivitis, often called trenchmouth. It attacks suddenly and causes bleeding gums, pain and foul odor. The disease occurs more often among heavy smokers than light or nonsmokers.

Oral Cancer: While any dental problem can cause discomfort, the most serious from the standpoint of the patient's health and even life is oral cancer. In addition to the link between pipe smoking and cancer of the lip, there is considerable evidence that the use of tobacco is associated with the development of other forms of cancer of the mouth and throat. Cigarette smokers' death rates from these forms of cancer are seven times higher than those of nonsmokers. Pipe and cigar smokers have death rates from these diseases four times as high as those who do not use tobacco. Furthermore about one-third of smokers who have been cured of primary oral cancer develop a second cancer if they continue smoking. On the other hand, those who stop completely run only a small risk of getting a second cancer.